5 Reasons Why You Are Lazy at Home (And The Solutions)

Teenager sleeping on the couch

I know how frustrating it can be to always be a couch potato when you’re at home. That’s why I did a thorough investigation to figure out why I always felt lazy whenever I’m home.

So what are the 5 reasons you lazy are at home?

  1. You’re not used to being productive at home
  2. You get too comfortable
  3. You’re surrounded by distractions
  4. You don’t see others working hard
  5. You aren’t receiving compensation

Now, let’s talk about each of these points as well as the solutions in more detail.

1. You’re not used to being productive at home

Let’s face it, when you’re at home, you’re just not used to being productive as if you were at school or at work. Your home is where you lay or sit down on the couch watching Netflix, at least most of the time. You feel like you shouldn’t have to work as hard at home.

The solution

Shift your mentality to thinking that your home is a workplace. Make your home a place where you get work done. Create an environment that puts you in the working mood. If you need to dress up, sit up, and be in a quiet place, then do it. Do whatever you need to do to put yourself in a productive mood.

You probably already have many responsibilities around the home, including:

  • Buying groceries
  • Cleaning up the house
  • Taking care of pets
  • Babysitting children
  • Paying bills

Now it’s time to add the responsibility of getting work done. If you do this, you no longer have to drive to school, Starbucks, or the library to be productive.

2. You get too comfortable

A big reason why you are lazy at home is that you get too comfortable. If you’re like most people, you love to be in your pajamas lying in bed or sitting on the couch with your feet up on the table. You probably have a bowl of chips and pop beside you as well.

Just compare your home environment to school or work – it’s probably not as stressful (again, for most people). Unfortunately, the more comfortable you are, the lazier you get.

The solution

Like solution one of this guide, you need to create an environment that puts you in the working mood. This time, you need to put some pressure on yourself. Take out your to-do list and set it beside you or pull it up on the computer. Take a good look at all the things you need to get done.

Pay close attention to the due dates and evaluate how you’re doing. Add some pressure on yourself so that you don’t get too comfortable at home.

If you don’t have much on your plate, think about future tasks that you can complete now. Your to-do list should never be empty.

3. You’re surrounded by distractions

Another reason why you are lazy at home is that you’re surrounded by distractions. Think about what’s in your home that’s not at school or work. You probably have a stock full of things you love in your kitchen. Or if you’re more fortunate, you may own a swimming pool, have games lying around, and have a big-screen TV. You may also have friends and family that you can talk to.

To go even further, you can do whatever you’d like on the internet, whether it be going on social media, YouTube, or playing video games. There are just so many things you can do at home that you can’t/shouldn’t do at a work environment.

However, if you do have common things you can do at your home and work environment(s), you don’t give in as easily to distractions at work because you know you have responsibilities to take care of.

The solution

It’s simple, stop getting distracted. You don’t need to get rid of your computer or TV or lock yourself in your basement just to get work done. To help you stop getting distracted, get into the following mindset:

The sooner you take care of your responsibilities, the more time you have to do the things you want. The next time you find yourself getting distracted, think about what I just said. Remember, a minute of distraction can turn into hours of distraction.

4. You don’t see others working hard

A reason why you are lazy at home is that you don’t see others working hard. Think about the last time you competed in something, whether it be in sports, for grades, or a promotion. You work harder when you see others working hard.

You don’t want to be or look like the only person who’s lazy while everyone else is doing hard work. It not only makes you look bad, but it also makes you feel bad.

Like I mentioned before, most people like to relax at home. So if your home is full of people who’re sitting around and having fun, you’ll be inclined to join them, thus making you lazy.

The solution

Well, it depends. Personally, I like listening to podcasts or playing videos of other people working to get me in a productive mood. I’ll sometimes go to Twitch.tv (a live streaming platform) and watch people work hard to become an influencer.

I know some people don’t like to have anything play in the background as it can be distracting. If that’s the case for you, you need to come up with another way to motivate yourself.

5. You aren’t receiving compensation

Another significant reason you are lazy at home is that you aren’t receiving compensation for your hard work. When you have a job, you work hard because:

  1. You’re getting paid
  2. You can lose your job if you don’t work hard

At home, whether you’re doing homework, studying, or working on a personal project, you aren’t receiving compensation – at least right away. You’re putting in a lot of effort with no immediate returns, and that can cause you to be lazy.

The solution

Depending on what you’re working on, try to think about the long-term benefits instead of the short-term benefits. For example, if you’re working on a painting or a sculpture, think about how good you will be later on if you continue to work hard to improve your skills every day.

Your efforts will definitely pay off when you have an amazing portfolio to show to employers. You can even showcase your work on social media! Even though you’re not being compensated when you’re working hard at home, you’re improving your skills to be greatly compensated in the future.

Use the positive momentum strategy

If you start to feel lazy at home, try the positive momentum strategy (I came up with this name myself).

The positive momentum strategy is where you put in as much effort as you can to start working for five minutes. The goal is to get you to do some work so that you gain momentum to continue working. When you finally gain momentum, you’ll be in a productive mood.

Give this strategy a try the next time you start to feel lazy at home. Do whatever you need to do to get yourself to start working for at least five minutes.


I hope this guide will help turn your home into a productive workplace. Believe me when I say there’s nothing better than being in the comfort of your own home while getting a ton of work done. You have the luxury of laying down for a couple of minutes when you need a break, a private washroom, and a kitchen full of your favorite snacks to help keep you going.

If you’re lazy at home for other reasons, make sure to share it with everyone by leaving a comment down below!

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Andy Nguyen

Andy Nguyen is the owner of YourCollegeBlog. Learn more about him at https://yourcollegeblog.com/about/.

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