How to Get Motivated For School in the Morning

Student raising hand during lecture

I used to never be motivated for school in the morning. All I wanted to do was sleep in. So, I did some research and testing and found some great results.

So how do you get motivated for school in the morning? Create a morning routine that gets you excited for the day. When you have a good morning, you’ll gain motivation to tackle the rest of your day, and this includes going to school. Stick with the routine for at least two months to turn it into a habit.

Creating a morning routine to get you motivated for school in the morning is more difficult than you think. There’s a lot to think about, so keep on reading to create your optimal morning routine.

Related: A Productive School Morning Routine For a Good Day

Getting started with time allocation

Man looking up at a clock

Before you get started with anything, you need to plan things through. Start by answering these questions:

  1. What time do you wake up for school?
  2. What time do you leave your home for school?
  3. How much time is in between answers one and two?

If your answer to question three is under in under 30-minutes, you’re not giving yourself enough time to wake up. It may even take an hour for you to function at your peak level. In this guide, we’re going to create an hour-long morning routine.

Set your alarm(s) to give you at least an hour of time from when you wake up to when you have to commute to school. It doesn’t matter if you start class at different times.

Waking up successfully

When you get up in the morning, the first thing you need to do is get on your feet. Do not grab your phone to go through social media or to check your emails and text messages. More importantly, DO NOT press the snooze button on your alarm. If you do, you’re going to feel less motivated for school.

Once you get on your feet, go and make your bed. It doesn’t matter if you’re going to jump back in later, just make your bed.

Let me explain why this is so important.

Choosing to stand on your feet rather than sleeping in is an accomplishment for the day. You’re completing an important task that starts your day. Then, when you go to make your bed, you’re completing another task that others choose to ignore.

Now, you’ve just completed two tasks in the morning while others who chose to sleep in have completed NONE. If you want to get motivated for school, this is how you should start your morning. If you think this is easy, believe me when I say it isn’t. This is a well-known problem that a lot of students deal with.

Spending your first 30-minutes in the morning

Use the first 30-minutes of your morning routine to get ready for school (using the restroom, washing your face, brushing your teeth, fixing your hair, applying makeup, dressing up, etc). I know there are people out there who take over 30-minutes to get ready for school, so let me address that.

If you take over half an hour to get ready for school, you need to look for shortcuts in whatever it is you’re doing. Like I said earlier, you need to create a morning routine that gets you excited for the day. Unless prettying yourself up in the morning gets you excited, you need to hurry it up.


Because we’re going to use the remaining 30-minutes to kickstart your day. Stop worrying about making your hair and makeup perfect. Nobody cares about what your hair and outfit looks like for more than 10 seconds. It just isn’t worth your time.

Spending your remaining 30-minutes in the morning

Now that you’ve finished getting ready, it’s time to use the remaining half-hour to kickstart your day. There are countless things you can do during these 30-minutes, including:

  • Going over your to-do list
  • Stretching
  • Drinking a tall glass of water
  • Writing in a journal
  • Going for a short run or walk
  • Taking a shower
  • Meditating
  • Cooking and eating a nutritious breakfast
  • Prepping your meals for the day
  • Listening to a podcast
  • Reading a chapter in a book

Depending if you have personal projects you’re working on, you may have more specific tasks you can do to kickstart your day. For example, I work on this blog, and I’m also in the process of creating YouTube videos, so I could:

  • Brainstorm 5 video and blog ideas for the day
  • Write a 500 to 1000-word article
  • Script a YouTube video
  • Check out trending topics
  • Review my analytics

It’s okay if you don’t have a personal project like mine. Think about your hobbies and interests to come up with your own tasks to kickstart your day. Write down as many tasks as you can.

Once you have a list of tasks, give them all a try over the next few weeks and evaluate the following:

  1. How long it takes you to complete them.
  2. The impact on your day upon completing the tasks.

If you find tasks that take up too much time or have a negative impact on your day, get rid of them. Remember, the goal is to create a productive morning routine that will get you motivated for school, and ultimately the rest of your day.

Putting it all together

Once you have a good feel of the tasks that best motivate you in the morning, you can now add them as part of your morning routine. The number of tasks you choose to include in your routine is entirely up to you. Remember, you only have 30-minutes to complete these tasks (or more depending on how long it takes you to get ready for school).

Create a routine using your favorite tasks and try to stick to it for at least 2 months. You can switch tasks whenever you want, just make sure you get them done. I’m going to say it again, make sure you get them done. DO NOT skip your morning routine for even a day (even on the weekends) as it can completely ruin your momentum.

If you find that you would rather use the first 30-minutes of your morning to kickstart your day instead of getting ready, do it. I personally like to use the second half of my morning to kickstart my day because I immediately head to school right after feeling great.

A quick reminder

I want to quickly remind you that I’m not trying to add more to your plate. Even though I technically am, the purpose of this is to get you motivated for school in the morning. If you currently wake up feeling slobbish and you dread going to school, you’re not going to focus in class because all you’ll want to do is sleep.

This is not the way you should be attending school.

If you doubt that this guide will help get you motivated for school, just give it a try and see how it works out for you. It’s going to be better than doing nothing at all.


I used to struggle to get myself to school for years. All I wanted to do was sleep in and skip class. By creating a morning routine, I’m now able to have a productive morning that gets me excited for the day. I can’t wait to get home from school so that I can tackle all the fun stuff I have planned out.

Let’s hope you can find similar results. If you have any questions or comments, make sure to leave it down below!

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Andy Nguyen

Andy Nguyen is the owner of YourCollegeBlog. Learn more about him at

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